Woodgrove Bank


Woodgrove Bank is a regional financial institution that has 30 branch offices. It maintains a Web site that allows customers to perform banking operations over the Internet.
Woodgrove Bank processes an increasingly large volume of loans. The existing loan processing application cannot handle this volume effectively. The board of directors wants to replace the application with a scalable solution based on the Microsoft .NET Framework.
You are a developer employed by the bank. You will lead the development of the new solution, which must be operational in six months. You already have all the hardware that you will need for development and production.

Existing IT Environment

Logical Design

The existing loan processing application is based on a client/server architecture. The client application is written in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. This application implements the loan processing logic and interacts with a database server named Database1 to store and retrieve data.
An application can request a loan by using an HTML form available on the bank’s Web site. The information on this form is e-mailed to a loan clerk, who telephones the applicant to complete the request.

Physical Implementation

A computer named Server1 is located at the main branch of Woodgrove Bank. Server1 hosts modules for reporting and for exchanging data with a mainframe computer named Main1.
Main1 hosts a check disbursement application and an accounting application. Currently, the interface to Main1 is not well integrated with the loan processing application.
Database1 runs Microsoft SQL Server 2000. It hosts a database that includes a table containing the loan request data. This table is indexed by applicant name and by loan number.
All 30 branches of the bank are connected to a common internal network by private T1 lines. The network supports TCP/IP and NetBEUI and is protected by a firewall. All branches employ loan clerks and loan officers.
These employees use computers that run Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional.


IT Department

IT Manager

All of our existing applications share a standard appearance. Our standard includes colors, fonts, and the position of the company logo. All new applications must adhere to this standard.
The new loan processing application must use a Web browser as the user interface, without any additional client software.
Database1 will be used in the implementation of the new application. The confidential information that resides on this server must be inaccessible to unauthorized users. The information must remain secure even if our firewall is penetrated.
When a loan is approved, the new loan processing application must send data to the check disbursement application. The new application must also send data to the accounting application to indicate which general ledger accounts need to be created or debited. Therefore, we need a reliable interface between the new application and Main1. The interface must support transaction recover and logging.
The check disbursement application and the accounting application were implemented 10 years ago. They remain unmodified. No one on my staff understands how to interface with these applications.
Six people on my staff are assigned to work with you on this project. However, four of them have less than one year of experience as a developer.

Finance Department

Chief Financial Officer

The new loan processing application must include an audit module. The module must randomly select 5 percent of the loans approved in each month to be audited by a member of my staff.
All server hardware to support development and production has already been procured. For the new loan processing solution, budget is approved for application software, development software, and utilities. However, we have no budget to replace either the check disbursement application or the accounting application.
At the beginning of the fiscal year, we made high-level projections about the new application. We estimated that its development would require 30 staff months, but only if we use senior staff. Our goal is to complete this project in six calendar months.

Business Stakeholders

Loan Processing Manager

I authorized the founding for this project, and I will make the final decisions.
The new loan processing application must reduce the amount of time needed to process each loan request. If we can directly enter all of an applicant’s personal data into the new application, we can work more efficiently.
The new application must also support simple workflow routing between the loan clerks and the loan officers.
In addition, I want the application to assign loans to different loan officers on the basis of business rules. These business rules will use loan amount and loan type as criteria for assignment. The rules might need to change every month.
The loan processing staff has little computer experience. Because of their current workload and experience they might have difficulty learning how to use the new application. I want to ensure that this project causes the least possible disruption to our business.

Business Process

Loan Processing

Each of the 30 branches of Woodgrove Bank employs 10 loan clerks and 10 loan officers. Using the current loan processing application, both the clerks and the officers are directly involved in processing loans.
The loan clerks perform the following actions:

1.       Collect personal data and credit history data from the applicant.

2.       Enter the data into the database by using the loan processing application.

3.       Review all data for clerical accuracy.

4.       Verify the credit history data by using external resources, such as lending agencies and employers.

The loan officers then perform the following actions:

1.       Review the loan request for risk.

2.       Either reject the loan request or approve it for disbursement.

An employee of Woodgrove Bank can fulfil more than one role. For example, a branch manager can assist in processing loan requests, and can also approve loans as needed. Employee roles are not defined in the current application. Workflow and approval are managed by external business processes.
Loan requests are stored in our database for six months and then purged.

Loan Request

Loan requests contain the following confidential information about the applicant:

·         Name

·         Address

·         Telephone number

·         Personal identification number

·         Current employer and salary

·         One or more credit history items

The loan department handles many types of loans. Applicants can request mortgages, automobile loans, home equity loans, and unsecured consumer loans.