Trey Research


Trey Research is a national chain of medical laboratories. An important part of its business involves conducting random drug tests for trucking companies.
Currently the following procedure is used to administer random drug tests:

·         At various times throughout the year, trucking supervisors request drug tests from all drivers

·         Drivers undergo drug testing at a Trey Research laboratory

·         The laboratory faxes the results to the appropriate trucking supervisors

·         Drivers who fail the drug test are put on job probation and are monitored by the appropriate trucking supervisors. During the probation period, these drivers are subject to frequent random drug tests

Monitoring the random drug tests during the probation period is a burden for the trucking companies. They want to outsource this monitoring to Trey Research.
To meet this objective, the Director of Business Development for Trey Research recently administered a trial program with a selected trucking company. The Director's name is Marie.

Trial Program

The trucking company gave Marie a list of 25 drivers who were on job probation. Every weekday morning, Marie randomly selected one driver.
All 25 drivers were instructed to telephone a toll-free number every weekday morning. When drivers telephoned, their names were written in a daily log and they were informed whether or not they were selected for drug testing on that day. If they were selected, the drivers were required to report to a Trey Research laboratory to undergo the test. The laboratory faxed the results to Marie, rather than to the driver-s trucking supervisor.
At the end of each month, Marie used the telephone log and the laboratory results to compile a summary report for the trucking company. Marie reported the number of times that each driver telephoned, the dates when each driver was chosen and the drug test results.
The report saved trucking supervisors several hours each week. It also provided a concise record of drug test results and program compliance. The trial program was considered a success and Trey Research now plans to offer this service to a number of its customers.
Trey Research contacts you to develop a solution that will provide the functionality of the trial program and meet a number of new requirements. Your solution will use the Microsoft .Net Framework and Microsoft SQL Server.


IT Department

IT Manager

I employ a small IT staff at the main office to support our corporate network. We use consultants for all software development. Our IT staff is already trained to support Microsoft operating systems and networks, but it will need additional training to support the new solution. The solution should require minimal administration. As appropriate, we will use Microsoft technologies for the solution.
We are analyzing the feasibility and expense of hosting the application at our main office rather than using a hosted facility.
We need a way to import data from laboratory reports, without requiring our laboratory staff to adopt new procedures. Currently, we have a software package that can create text files out of fax data by using optical character recognition (OCR) technology. When a fax is received on a fax server, the OCR software can save the fax data as a text file in a designated folder. The new solution must provide the ability to read the text file into a database.

Business Stakeholders

Director of Business Development

The new solution must automate all steps that were part of the trial program. In the trial program, each driver was randomly selected about once a month. However, in the new solution, individual drivers might need to be selected more frequently or less frequently.
We want a web application that enables trucking supervisors to use the Internet to perform the following actions:

·         Add and remove drivers from the list of drivers on job probation

·         For each driver, view a summary of driver compliance and laboratory results, with the summary ordered by date

·         For each laboratory result, view result details

·         View a summary of all driver compliance and results

Trucking supervisors will need to provide a user name and a password to access the web application. Because drug-testing information is highly confidential, all information must be transmitted securely.
Each trucking company can have several supervisors. Drivers can be assigned to more than one supervisor. Supervisors should have access only to data that applies to the drivers who are assigned to them.
At the end of each month, an automated report generator will create and print a report by using a printer on the Trey Research internal network. This report will be mailed to trucking supervisors and will contain the same summary information that the web application provides. My most critical requirement is that trucking supervisors should be able to use the web application to access test result information as soon as Trey Research completes its testing process.
Each weekday, drivers will telephone an interactive voice response (IVR) application to learn whether they need to be tested. Telephone callers will use a personal identification number and a password to identify themselves to the IVR application. We are hiring an IVR consultant to develop this part of the solution.
We want a new Web application that drivers can use in addition to the IVR application. This new application should provide all the functionality of the IVR application. However, we do not yet know if a typical driver has internet access, so this part of solution does not need to be completed immediately.

Vice President of Sales and Marketing

We want to begin a pilot program of the solution in three months. However, we are currently investigating a corporate merger. The new revenue stream provided by this solution will increase our corporate valuation. Therefore, if the merger negotiations continue, we want the pilot program to begin sooner.


Trucking Supervisor

The key to random drug testing is surprise. Currently a driver on job probation expects to be tested only once each calendar month. A driver who is tested on the first day of the month might decide to use drugs for the next few weeks. Therefore, we want to set an average interval between tests, but we also want to ensure that individual test dates cannot be predicted.
We have two main objectives. We want to be able to monitor program compliance throughout the month and we want to be able to view drug test results as soon as Trey Research completes its testing process.

Business Process

Drug Tests

Currently, the standard drug test looks for 18 substances. Each substance has an associated status. The three possible status indications are None, Trace and Detected.


A driver is in compliance with job probation when the following conditions are met:

·         The driver telephones the IVR application every weekday morning

·         The driver submits to drug testing on specified days

·         The driver-s drug test results are negative