School of Fine Art


The School of Fine Art is a large regional university with more than 45,000 students. Currently, the university manages course scheduling and course registration by using applications that run on an AS/400 computer. However, this solution is no longer adequate.
The university has a long-term goal of migrating away from all of its existing AS/400 applications. You are contracted for a short term goal. You will replicate and extend the existing functionality course scheduling and course registration in a new Windows-based solution. Your solution will consist of a new administrative application and associated user applications. You will develop the new application by using the Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft SQL Server.

Existing IT Environment

The university uses two AS/400 applications to provide the existing functionality for scheduling and registration:

·         A scheduling application is used by administrators, academic counsellors and professors to establish and review course schedules for the upcoming academic term

·         A registration application is used by students to register for the upcoming academic term.

Both of these applications use a DB2 database named REG2. This database contains all current information relating to students, professors, course schedules and registrations.
Both of these applications can be accessed by using dedicated terminals located on campus, or by using terminal emulation software on computers that are connected to the university network. Both applications will be replaced as part of the new solution.
The university has two additional AS/400 applications, which were developed by a single software vendor:

·         A grading application is used by professors to assign course grades to students at the end of each academic term

·         A transcript application is used by administrators to generate official student transcripts

The grading application and the transcript application use a DB2 database named TRANS2. This database contains records of all courses completed by each student and all grades received by each student. TRANS2 and the associated applications will not be replaced.
Four registration periods occur each year. Each registration period begins one month before the beginning of an academic term. Registration closes when the term begins. A summary of student enrolment data is then exported by a batch export operation from REG2 to TRANS2.


Business Stakeholders

Director, Department of Registrars

We want to make it impossible for students with overdue tuition accounts to register for courses.

Project Manager

Currently, students must wait in long lines to use dedicated terminals or on-campus computers during each registration period. We want to enable students to register over the Internet. In addition, we want to enable professors, academic counsellors and administrators to access the new administrative application over the internet.


Director, Department of South Asian Art

Our existing scheduling application lets us specify prerequisite courses only in a very simple way. We can specify prerequisite relationships of the following type: "ARTHI 101 and ARTHI 202 are required before registering for ARTHI 303". However, we need to be able to specify more complex prerequisite relationships, such as "ARTHI 101 and ARTHI 202 are required, or ARTHI 301 is required, before registering for ARTHI 303".
Currently, a student cannot register for a course if it is fully enrolled or if the student has not completed the prerequisites. The professor who currently teaches a course section can issue various waivers. One type of waiver authorizes a student to register in a course section that is fully enrolled. Another type authorizes a student to register for a course section without completing the prerequisites.
Currently a professor issues a waiver by signing a paper form and sending it to the IT department. However, we want the new administrative application to enable professors to issue waivers online. After a professor issues an online waiver, the student should be able to register for the appropriate course.

Academic Counsellor

If a student transfers from another university, the student’s academic history will not exist in TRANS2. This omission can cause problems with prerequisite requirements. Academic counsellors must be able to use the new administrative application to issue prerequisite waivers on the basis of our own evaluation of a student’s academic history. When an academic counsellor issues a waiver, it must apply to all sections of a course, except for sections that are fully enrolled.

IT Department

IT Manager

High availability is critical to the success of this solution. We can have no single point of failure. For maximum scalability and flexibility, we do not want any Web server session affinity.

AS/400 Application Support Engineer

Initially, the IT department will generate an XML file to populate the new SQL Server database from REG2.
At the end of each registration period, we must be able to import into TRANS2 a list of all courses for which a student is registered. We need this information in an XML file format. All information about courses that students have already completed must be stored only in TRANS2.
At the end of each registration period, all course registration information for students should be archived and then removed from the SQL Server database.
We have the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2, which will enable access to student transcript data from TRANS2.

Accounting Application Support Engineer

Each course is worth between one and six credits. Tuition for each term is calculated on the basis of the total number of credits for which a student is registered during that term. Information about student tuition accounts is stored in an Oracle database named Accounting. This database is located on the same intranet that the new solution will use. Whenever a student adds or drops a course, the new student registration application must update the credit information for the student in Accounting. The credit data in Accounting must reflect the total number of credits for which the student is registered.
We can also provide the SQL statements needed to update credit data and to establish whether a student’s tuition account is past due. We have an OLE DB provider for Oracle and Oracle supports the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC).

Business Process

Courses and Course Sections

The university offers thousands of different courses each year. Each course has a name (for example, Introduction to Art History), a department code (for example, ARTHI), a three-digit course number (for example, 101) and a number of credits (for example, 5). Each course is taught in one or more sections.
However, not all courses are taught every term. Zero, one, or more than one section of any course might be offered in any given term. Therefore, the professor, section identifier, location, meeting time and maximum student count are properties of a section of the course rather than of the course itself.