Northwind Traders


Northwind Traders operates retail stores in 16 countries worldwide. The company sells a wide variety of furniture, dining and kitchen goods, bath end bedding accessories and other speciality items for the home. Products are delivered to retail stores from regional distribution centres.
The company plans to offer its products in an online store, which will also be serviced by the regional distribution centres. The company contracts you to design and implement a Microsoft .NET solution architecture for the online store.
The new online services will be made available in three cities in a pilot implementation. If the pilot is successful, the company will deploy the online store worldwide over the next 13 months. The worldwide deployment must be completed without any additional development effort.

Existing IT Environment

The existing corporate network includes both Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 computers and Windows 2000 Server computers in a single domain. Employees use desktop computers that run Windows XP Professional and Microsoft Office XP. The human resources department has its own intranet, which uses Internet Information Services (IIS) and Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
Product inventory functions are currently performed by a mainframe computer. Users connect to the mainframe computer by using terminal emulation software on their desktop computers.
The regional distribution centres are connected to the main office by a dedicated T1 frame relay link. Every night, the distribution centres update the inventory data on the mainframe computer.


IT Department

IT Manager

I manage a staff of 50 trained technicians who are located around the world. We employ two technicians at the main office in each country where we do business. The technicians spend most of their time troubleshooting computers that stop responding. We want a replacement for the terminal emulation software that we currently use. The new software should still permit us to use the mainframe computer to print reports. It should also provide secure access to the mainframe computer from the Internet. The development and deployment of the mainframe solutions should occur during the pilot implementation of the online store.

Lead Developer

Five developers work on my staff. They are responsible for maintaining an inventory management application on the mainframe computer. They also maintain the human resources intranet. They are proficient in Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) and ASP. They can also use several mainframe development languages.

Finance Department

Chief Financial Officer

We want to be able to update product information more frequently. Currently, updating the product information from our vendors is a time-consuming process. Replacing this process is essential if we want to remain competitive in the marketplace. We will continue to perform inventory reporting from the mainframe computer.

Business Stakeholders

Business Manager

As a global company, we have some unique challenges. We must be able to present our online store in a way that is appropriate to each locale in which it is viewed. In particular, we need to display currencies and calendars in the format that is most familiar in each locale.
Currently, we use an international company to perform credit card verification for our retail stores. We want to use the same company’s XML Web Service to perform verification for our new online store. One key goal is to protect the confidentiality of credit card information during online transactions.

Marketing manager

Currently, we analyze customer spending by examining paper reports that are generated each month by the mainframe computer. These reports provide limited data and we cannot perform any additional analysis of the data. Our online store will require us to analyze data that relates to virtual shopping carts. Analyses must be performed several times each month in a variety of ways, such as by customers, by promotion, by geographical location and by time period.


Inventory Manager

The terminal emulation software is slow and difficult to use. It often causes our computers to stop responding. In addition, we need to remember several different user names and passwords to access our desktop computers and to use the mainframe computer. This requirement is difficult and frustrating.

Business Process

Northwind Traders obtains products from 15 different vendors. Once a month, a magnetic tape is sent by each of the vendors to the main office of Northwind Traders. These tapes are used to update the product data in the mainframe computer. The tapes include data relating to new products and discontinued products. They also include pricing changes for existing products. Each tape provides product names and descriptions in several different languages. Each vendor uses a different format for the data on tape.