Blue Yonder Airlines


Blue Yonder Airlines is a regional airline that operates 50 scheduled flights per day. This company anticipates rapid future growth. Within six months, the company will operate 150 flights per day. Within one year, it will operate 500 flights per day.
Currently telephone operators handle all reservations. To support the increased number of flights, the company plans to add an online reservation process.
You are contracted to develop a Microsoft .NET solution that will execute the new process. Your solution must be operational in five months. It must undergo one month of testing before it is available to the public. Within one year, it must be able to support 500 flights per day. To support this expansion, existing flight numbers might need to be reassigned.

Existing IT Environment

Currently Blue Yonder Airlines uses an external vendor to provide flight scheduling services. Fifteen dedicated terminals communicate with the vendor’s mainframe computer.
The corporate network includes five Microsoft Windows 2000 Server computers and 15 Windows XP Professional computers. A Microsoft Exchange Server computer provides e-mail services for employees. Internet Information Services (IIS) is used to support intranet application for the human resources department. This department is also supported by a dedicated server that has a single installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2000.


IT Department

IT Manager

Currently we have one engineer who is responsible for maintaining the dedicated terminals and the corporate intranet. In the future we need to be able to monitor the performance of the new application. Monitoring will tell us when we need to scale the solution.
Within three months, our scheduling vendor will implement an XML Web service to give us access to its mainframe computer.

Business Stakeholders

Chief Executive Officer

My vision is to give our customers an easy-to-use, self-service reservation process. Our new application must provide customers with the following features:

·         Make reservations quickly

·         Make reservations at any time, on any day of the week

·         Store information in a customer profile, if customers choose

·         Maintain complete confidentiality of customers profiles

·         Search for available flights either by airport or by city of origin

·         Create, save and retrieve an itinerary, without actually booking a flight

·         Retrieve a saved itinerary and initiate booking for the flights saved in the itinerary

·         Receive suggestions for alternate flights if the flights saved in an itinerary are no longer available for booking

·         Receive an automatic e-mail message to confirm the itinerary after the flights are booked.

A previous development project required a considerable amount of rework.
We were unable to find out why the rework occurred. If rework is needed during this project, we need to know why.

Business Manager

The application should help us provide that we are receiving a return on our investment. Periodically, detailed usage information must be logged for analysis. We must be able to turn logging on and of without recompiling the application.
When the XML Web service is available from our scheduling vendor, we can stop using dedicated terminals, stop paying a monthly mainframe charge and start reducing our operating expenses. Typically, that vendor meets its deadlines for delivering updates only 50 percent of the time.

Finance Department

Chief Financial Officer

Our business model is based in the expansion of our flight schedules. This project is critical to our continued success. Our budget is sufficient to implement and support the new application. However, we need to reduce operating expenses.


Reservations Agent

The current application is very confusing to use. It requires special keys to perform many functions. It does not offer online help.

Business Process

Currently customers make reservations by telephoning a Blue Yonder Airlines reservations agent. The agent uses a dedicated terminal to connect to the mainframe computer and then completes each reservation.